I've passed my third day wearing a mustache. It has been an interesting experiment so far. Have you always wanted to grow yours out, but haven't had the cajones to try a different look? Maybe you're thinking that an underground army of mustaches might be just the secret-hand-shake kind of protest against the corporate machine that could unite our brethren? Facial Hair meats Fight Club? Well, let me pass on some hard-earned insight (if you're already a misfit, this won't come as news). Basically, this is how it works: the first 24 hours are the hardest; after that initial introductory period when ugly girls and all but the gayest gay guys won't even give you a second look, you'll become more comfortable with your appearance and possibly begin to regain some of your previous confidence. If you have a girlfriend, do not expect her to find any humor in your antics. Trust me on that one, you are on your own and swimming upstream against possibly the biggest fashion faux pas you could hope to cross. No one said it would be easy. Personally, I'm not sure what to expect from here on out. I'm coming up on my first full weekend in the city as such. If anyone has any tips, bring them on. As far as I'm concerned, it could go either way. So stay tuned, there are only three short weeks until Chile. (Full disclaimer, I don't think anyone in Chile will care either)