Mingling amongst the genuine and wanna be celebrities of the Sun Valley lodge, is most enjoyable during Christmas Eve. My family,
beginning with the fundamental four of us and ever changing as we grow larger and smaller, and larger again; have been attending this entertaining event for many years. The 'Ice Show': a preamble consisting of the Nutcracker, followed by various displays of beauty and talent on skates. The whole experience is mostly highlighted by the complimentary hot apple cider, which one fills with whatever is in one's flask, and the ever impressive "Torch Light Parade and Fireworks". It was always tradition that we would then shuffle over to the Sun Valley Inn, gather more warm libations and board the Clydesdale pulled sleigh to dinner. Yes, a freezing cold sleigh ride, through the
forest, stopping at the Trail Creek Cabin for a beautiful meal. The
accordion guy would come around, much like the
mariachis in the Mission District, however a shitload colder, and the old log cabin would bounce with Christmas joy! This year is different... I feel somewhat like a stranger, as I haven't been in the same country let alone this little town in quite a while, and also because my world has been twisted. The woman that I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, is no longer that woman, I don't have a career, and well i'm subletting! As I gaze upon the faces around my brother-in-law's dinner table, I struggle to find many commonalities other than family. The feeling pulls my attention away from the essence of Christmas, and sends me into a brief fever of regret. "Snap out of it" I tell myself and soon the self pitty is replaced by a jolt of ineffable appreciation. The day began without mom's famous egg nog french toast and the bliss of non-platonic love, but with 2+ feet of amazing powder! My good friend and I made some unforgettable turns in some of Santa's finest presents; a snow storm that left everybody scratching their heads, even the mountain professionals... Everybody, but my good friend and I.
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