Monday, December 29, 2008

LLL has left the building

Well, all good things must come to pass, and so with much fanfare and ado we close the month known as LLL's birthday out with a bang. Cancun, SFx2, it was an exhausting 4 weeks of friends and excess. Not to be out done by us mere mortals, LLL is following up her west coast show with a world tour of epic proportions. New Years in Rio, summer in BA, Namibia, Cairo, Istanbul, India, Indonesia, Thailand and places in between. You can follow the exploits of  La Recessionista on her very own posterous blog.

Experiencing Lisa's personality brings to mind something a wise man once told me, "when life gives you lemons you paint that shit gold.". So, let us all raise a glass to Lisa and her upcoming exploits. And if you happen to be be in one of these locales please do look her up, she's a stellar object not to be missed.

here are some pics from the the other weekend.

Posted via email from agnoli

1 comment:

  1. Who are all those old people in the photos? Looking at the makes me uncomfortable. They think they're having fun and cool and all, but really, the jokes on them - they're old! Oh, wait, maybe I'm uncomfortable because we're going to be that old in what will feel like 5 more minutes.
