Damn you and your peace keeping contingency! Bring on the war, I want Vasco's army to invade Lewis's lifestyle and turn him into the underground mail room clerk, sorting corporate paychecks 14 hours a day. In addition, let's get his same army down to Santa Cruz to turn the local surfer contingency into corporate drones. Vasco, you could have a team of people to do all your copying at your bidding! Capture enough degenerate surfers and you have a team large enough to do all your work. (historical data shows that on average 4 surfers are required to provide enough capabilities to do one average persons job. Just let me know when you are invading Santa Cruz and whisking surfers off to corporate indentured servitude. I want to make sure I am gone that weekend.
The uniform of The Drones is enough to scare any Surfer back in the water. Furthermore, it goes to show that, while high riding Guess? pants might not have lived through their battle, the simple sweater-vest has returned time and again for another tour of duty. This lone warrior of the wardrobe may delineate good vs. evil more distinctly than any other. I prefer mine in argyle. WAR!