Ones and zeroes. A date with binary implications - 1/01, a date approached with too few hours of sleep, skies too gray, hands too cold.
Another visit to the well at Puerto Ortega. Finding some workmanlike comfort in dutifully bottling moments, even though I know I'm the only one who will enjoy the results. Fitting enough - I've always been unapologetic when it comes to my selfish side.
In the end we do what we want to do.
Second session: light is better, tide is better, crowd lighter, the myth of warmth.
Gray goes to gold.
More results here:
Video! I feel so in touch with the younger generation... bloggin my first youtube vid. Sigh.
Yes, I know this is getting ridiculous and all these photos look the same.
You need to let the mullet hang out of the hood on the sides. Great photos.