Our flawed culture usually reserves its prejudices for minorities, leaving me relatively unscathed by hate.
Not anymore, for I am now part of a small, proud minority group: Men with Mullets.
Over the past weekend, I experienced two blatant moments of prejudice due to my choice(?) of haircut.
1) While at a party on Friday night, a drunk woman from Montana gregariously introduced herself to the men standing on each side of me, but refused to shake hands, speak, or even make eye contact with me. Occasionally she stole a sideways glimpse at my luxurious mane, and then quickly looked away in disgust. (Note: This is the only thing about my mullet my girlfriend approves of.)
2) While checking the surf at Pacheco this morning at 7:30am, a large white truck sped by with a young white male at the wheel. Driving approximately 50 miles an hour, he took the time to scream in pure hatred, at the top of his lungs, "Mullllllet!!!!" as he drove by.
For what it's worth, I visited Bolinas last night, and the gentle and accepting townfolk repeatedly approached me to comment on how much they liked my mullet, and how I "Wore it Well." Apparently my liberal enclave of origin is more accepting than SF... or perhaps I was moments away from being beaten with skateboards and knifed by meth-fueled teens?
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