Tuesday, January 13, 2009


There are many cons to unemployment. I will not go into such a rant now. One pro is that I am able to remain in my bubble and not drive over the hill, especially not in traffic. (this may change soon enough..) After being guilt tripped into surfing in San Fran via the hill this weekend, I relegated myself to acknowledging I would need to repeat the drive yesterday to pick up a furniture item that I was long overdue.. Happily..right, accepting I drove over the bay Area Alps along with my fellow reverse commuters, making good time. Straight to the furniture store, negotiated the tax which they originally promised to forgo, crammed the pieces into my truck bed and turned around to enjoy the slow commute home. Big deal, whining, your right, all pretty petty, except when I pulled the furniture out of the boxes in my driveway I noticed they had sent a severely damaged table top. Over the mountain and through the woods.. again.

1 comment:

  1. If you have to go back over the hill anyway, you should come up and surf while you're over there...
