Introducing my newest nemesis Ryan Cline. After recently signing up for my space, in an attempt to begin self promoting my music, I discovered that I already exist. Not in the way I see myself, but in a very disturbing cringing sort of way. The 'original' Ryan Cline lives in Denver, Colorado and when not making satanic symbols with his hands, or driving his sweet-ass Ford Mustang, Ryan is channeling music for the big man upstairs. Words like eponym, namesake, and doppelganger come to mind as I over analyze this unfortunate situation. The latter seems absurd, as we don't look anything alike. However, wikipedia explains..."doppelgangers are generally regarded as harbingers of bad luck". Bad luck, yes yes, that's all it is, I seem to share the same name as this Christian Rock fag from Colorado. If any other Ryan Clines are reading this, please help me to take back our handle from this potently depressing Denver dude; rise up! For Christ's Sake, this is not how we want to be googled!

at least ryancline.com is still available... better buy it today. Turn the tables so the Denver Cline will be like "Who the frick is this god-hating heathen using my name to sing about sinful things like sex and surfing?"
ReplyDeleteThat is one sick mustang! He must be making a killing off the christian rock movement.